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  • ralphrajs11

Sharing Year End Stats

I am proud of how my numbers ended up for 2020. I had a few months where I had physical challenges running but I was able to overcome them and have a pretty good run year.

I am most proud of my bike year 🚴🏼‍♀️. For the first time ever I rode over 6,000 miles. Some of that was due to run injury and part was due to COVID and sheltering in place. Thankfully I have able to ride consistently.

2020 Run and Bike Stats

I’ll be looking to do the same kinda numbers this year with my focus on staying healthy. Keys to success? Hydrate, eat well, stretch and be smart.

I wish you a successful workout year. I hope you have taken a minute to think about what your goals are and how you will get it done.

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