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  • ralphrajs11

Close The Loop

I recently did a run I’ve looked at a few times on the map, but hadn’t had a chance to do before. It made me happy to finally check it off! When I visit our Renaissance ClubSport Club and Hotel in Aliso Viejo, I typically run one of three courses that are all 7 miles long. I alternate to keep things fresh. Two of the runs extend out on different sides of a circular course , but I’ve never closed the loop . I could see on a map that they came together but I never took the time to run the extra distance to connect the two sides. The other day I got an earlier start determined to run the whole loop, and I did it. Map brought to you by Strava.

Here is my challenge for you, what is your loop that needs to be closed? What little fitness challenge can you give yourself to keep things interesting? I’d love to hear your thoughts or accomplishments big or small.

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